Editorial and Publishing Activities Agapia Shamraya

N. Podolyaka


The aim of the study. The editorial activity of the famous literary critic of the twentieth century Agapiy Filippovich Shamrai was investigated. Its role in preparing for printing and popularizing works of fiction in Ukraine is determined.

Research methodology. To highlight the materials characterizing A. Shamray as a publisher or editor, the general scientific methods of deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis and generalization were used, as well as the historical-critical method was used, which made it possible to extract reliable information from archival documents, reconstruct historical facts, compare data with generally known information.

Results. As a result of the study, it was found out that critics of that time noted the literary critic’s close attention to the text in his prefaces and notes. The purpose of the purposeful work of A. Shamray was to identify, organize, structure and prepare for publication the best works of Ukrainian literature. Thanks to this, an important milestone in the development of domestic publishing was the release of a three-volume collection «Kharkov School of Romantics», works by T. Shevchenko, I. Kotlyarevsky, Kvitka-Osnovyanenko and the like.

Novelty. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in the fact that new facts based on archival sources and publications of the early twentieth century have been revealed and put into scientific circulation, facts of the scientist’s editorial and publishing activities have been highlighted, which researchers have not yet paid attention to. Today, the scientist’s legacy requires rethinking, because very little is known about editorial activity, the biography of the scientist has been hushed up for a long time, and no in-depth studies of the scientist’s creative heritage have been conducted.

Practical significance. Practical value is determined by the fact that publication materials can be used in the preparation of fundamental works on the theory and history of publishing, literary studies, and materials from historical conferences on local history.

Key words: Shamray Agapiy Filippovich, editorial activity, literary criticism, history of publishing.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.3(43).7


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