Storytelling as a Strategy for PR-Communications Building

A. Baranetska


The purpose of the article is to determine the functionality of using storytelling in PR communications.

Research methodology. Methods of synthesis and analysis, reception, descriptive method and method of generalization were used during the consideration of the raised issue, in particular studying and systematization of scientific principles of the storytelling phenomenon, its structural elements and material organization, as well as functional capabilities as a means of communication.

Results. The format of storytelling as a significant socio-cultural communication phenomenon in the modern information space and a new technology for organizing dialogue with the public are presented. The emphasis is placed on such dominant characteristics of storytelling as emotions, identification, personification. Storytelling is characterized as an actual format of information organization in PR-communications. Storytelling as an important communication tool in the organization of external and internal communications of an organization is revealed. The basic characteristics of storytelling in the formation of communication interaction with different audiences are described. The basic characteristics of storytelling in the formation of communication interaction with different audiences are described. The main directions of its functional application in corporate communication are highlighted. Storytelling is revealed as a significant and operative tool for building trust with consumers. Models of material organization in the story are given. On the example of the well-known brand «Morshynska» and the company «Nova Poshta» the analysis of the implementation of storytelling is carried out, the basic aspects of establishing communication contact with the audience and the criteria of potential effectiveness of storytelling are described.

Novelty. The aspects of systematization of storytelling implementation in PR-communications are described and systematized. The main directions of embodiment of stories and features of their development are covered. Modern practices of storytelling application in modern public relations are presented.

Practical significance. The thesis set out in the article can be applied in the organization of PR-communications and image strategies, as well as in further study of communication practices in various fields.

Key words: storytelling, story, PR-communications, strategy, public relations, trust, audience.


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