Brand Safety During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Content and Communication Aspects
One of the aspects of digital advertising ecosystem that attracted attention during the pandemic was the role of brand safety tools which block the display of advertising messages alongside certain types of content.
Advertisers do not want their products to be associated with such topic as COVID-19, and therefore are increasingly using lists of keywords to block. This has a direct impact on the news business.
The aim of the study is to characterize the problem of brand safety during the coronavirus pandemic and to analyze strategies for its provision in the digital environment.
Research methodology. To achieve the research objectives such general scientific methods as analysis and synthesis were used which allowed to single out the factors influencing safe functioning of the brand. The methods of comparison, induction and deduction were applied to predict the content and communication transformations of the concept of brand safety.
Results. The research findings are based on the analysis of cases of well-known brands actively using «blacklists» to protect their advertising from inappropriate content.
It was proved that companies should develop a proactive and flexible brand security strategy not only focusing on blocking lists, but also using semantic analysis and taking into account cultural, social and political events at both local and global levels.
Novelty. Despite the scholars’ active interest in the essence of branding, so far there have been no serious generalizing studies of digital environment security taking into account permanent global and technological changes. This creates a significant gap in the understanding of modern safe partnership (that between a brand and the mass media, between a brand and digital platforms, between a brand and consumers) and requires a search for relevant approaches and solutions.
Practical significance. Theoretical conclusions of the study can be applied in further research of national branding, while digital experience and practical solutions of the world companies can be considered by Ukrainian businesses.
Key words: brand safety, coronavirus, covid – 19, programmatic, platform, block list.
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