Discourse of Communicational Platforms: Critical and Digital Typology
The aim of the article is to study the culturological and critical discourses of communication platforms, which will help to better understand the nature of this phenomenon.
Research methodology. The article implemented a comparative analysis of scientific points of view, content monitoring of modern popular local communication platforms, analysis of existing platforms.
Results. The phenomenon of discourse is multifaceted, has an ancient etymology, which today will continue to be studied by specialists.
Network types of discourses studied by scholars, in particular journalistic, which found itself in the field of CP is formed as an element of the general discursive canvas, which has a number of components and generates the emergence of new types. It is the emergence of online communication and digital genres (which today form a separate group without which the existence of online journalism is impossible) that digital discourse emerges.
Digital discourse of communication platforms should be defined as a general process of Internet broadcasting, writing, formation of information space of worldviews of the audience, as well as the process of emergence of fundamentally new concepts and units directly related to this process of network content (media languages, amateur media). downloads, social networks, communication platforms). The study of discourse becomes a trendy and necessary process.
According to modern scientists, the current conditions for entering the global media market are due to trends and popularity, the ever-growing needs of consumers. One such market is the modern Internet communications market, where competitive communication platforms now exist. The article analyzes the content of the platforms Thirst, Hearing, Your Love, The Troya, Your Healthy choice.
Novelty. The article traces the dynamics of the concept of discourse on communication platforms and its types.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to further study the development of Internet communications as an industry.
Key words: discourse, critical and culturological discourse, communication platform, applied social and communication technologies.References
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2020.3(43).11
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