Innovative Hybrid Educational Complexes in Ukrainian Language in the Media of Professor O. Serbenska

O. Kuznetsova


The aim of the research. To demonstrate the need for the use of innovative, conceptual hybrid learning complexes in the Ukrainian language in the media of Professor Oleksandra Serbenska in Ukrainian universities, which include printed educational manuals, workshops, reference books, dictionaries, lecture texts, and electronic teaching and learning tools that correspond to modern European requirements for the structure, content of educational and methodological literature of higher education institutions for the training of journalist students.Research methodology. An important component of the qualitative training of future journalists is to provide students with complexes of educational, methodical printed and electronic means that contribute to the intensification of learning, to improve its methods, forms, which contribute to the implementation of the idea of a «hybrid» comprehensive educational and methodological support of teaching Ukrainian language in mass media Honored Professor of Lviv Ivan Franko National University Olexandra Serbenska. Well-known all over Ukraine, many-circulation, four-times reedited printed and electronic, educational and methodical means of studying the Ukrainian language are analyzed.Results. Prof. Оlexandra Serbenska’s educational and methodological works are differentiated into two types: printed and electronic. Printed works are divided into the following types: manuals, workshops, reference books, guidelines, curricula; electronic teaching aids are also divided into: local (accessible in virtual studying environment), and remote, accessible on the Internet.It is confirmed that the educational books authored, co-authored or made under the leadership of Professor Оlexandra Serbenska embody a competent approach to the study of the Ukrainian language in the media, take into account the specifics of professional journalistic activity, have examples of materials of modern mass media, contain practical direction to improve language skills by future journalists. Particular attention is paid to different stages of professional activity in accordance with the educational and qualification characteristics of competencies, increased attention to independent, creative work with an emphasis on providing a culture of language, broadcasting on the radio, television.Novelty. The complex, conceptual, innovative, «hybrid» character of the printed and electronic educational-methodical works of professor Оlexandra Serbenska is revealed, which meets the requirements of modern European standards of preparation of students of the university.Practical meaning. Dissemination in Ukraine in the educational process of universities, during the independent work of students of innovative experience of scientific collectives under the guidance of Professor Oleksandra Serbenska which is fixed in hybrid complexes containing published manuals, workshops, dictionaries, reference books, methodical instructions, educational programs and educational means of learning, improvement of the Ukrainian language will have a great impact on the quality, performance of students’ knowledge in accordance with European requirements.Key words: «hybrid», «mixed» educational complexes, printed, electronic educational tools, Ukrainian.


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