Formation of Digital Competences Social Communications Specialists

O. Lesіuk, N. Kodatska, O. Yatchuk


The purposeof the research is theoretical substantiation and analysis of scientific and methodological bases of development of non-formal distance education of specialists in the field of social communications and determination of the influence of distance education on the level of digital competences of specialists.

Research methodology. The study uses general scientific methods of research, systematization and grouping of material on new forms, methods and online distance learning services conducted by educational centers and leading libraries; the method of content analysis allowed to conduct a meaningful analysis of training programs and practical courses on the acquisition of digital competencies. The research of content generation in the conditions of convergence (technical, content, professional-functional, organizational, convergence of markets), formation and study of mobile technologies, information socialization and information self-service, creation of infographics, modern media trends that can be applied in the educational process.

Results. The formation of digital competencies is inextricably linked with the digitalization of the educational process. Digital technologies contribute to the intensification of the educational process, and the learning process itself becomes mobile, differentiated and personalized. The study identified the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on accelerating the transition of social and communication institutions to the digital environment. The result is an analysis of current provisions, the essence and prerequisites for the formation of digital competencies in the context of the global trend of digital transformation of society. The main subjects and objects of social and communication infrastructure, which provided a quick response to the challenges of the digital world through the development of online services for users and remote professional development, are considered.

Novelty. The study and analysis of methods for the formation of digital competencies of specialists in the field of mass communication by distance learning has been improved taking into account the latest empirical data of this study.

Practical significance It is revealed that social and communication institutions play an important role in the formation of the information society. The results of the study can be used in the implementation of the national curriculum for general and professional digital competencies "Action. Digital education

Key words: digital competences, digitalization of education, distance learning, distance courses, non-formal education, professional competences, content curator, library journalism.


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