The purpose of the article: to consider the experience of media education work with children in Ukraine; to classify the models of organization of mass media education of children, in particular children’s television, to substantiate the need to systematize the mass media as an institution for the formation of media competence of children’s audience.
Research methodology. To solve the set tasks, the method of typology was used, which revealed similarities and differences between the forms and types of children's media; analysis, synthesis, generalization – to substantiate the conclusions about the situation with children's media; cognitive analysis – to outline the prospects of children's media.
Results. The activity in the children’s television association not only provides real opportunities for everyone to try themselves as a journalist, presenter, cameraman, but also enriches the life experience, which is the basis for joining society, for mastering social culture as well as the requirements of the environment. The quality level of children’s TV studio in the system of integrated media education primarily depends on the level of media competence of adults who teach children.
Unlike educational institutions, the media has a very useful quality, such as the ability to reach a large and dispersed audience. However, it should be recognized that as an institution of education, journalism does not currently have the necessary qualities. There is no regularity and provision of gradual development of knowledge by the audience. That is, the inherent potential of the media, necessary for conducting broad media educational work, is not yet fully used in the development of media competence of children’s audience.
Novelty. Experience of media education for children in the Ukraine is examined in the article. The author classifies the models of mass media education of children, justifying the need for systematic mass media as an institution of media-competence child audience.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be useful for both employees of TV channels and teachers.
Key words: mass media, media education, children, models of media education.References
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