Research of Students’ Representations About Professionally Important Personal Characteristics of a Journalist in the Aspect of Improving the Quality Of Journalism Education
The article highlights the results of the study of students’ perceptions of the components of journalists’ professional competence.
The aim of the article is to highlight the results of the study of first-year students’ perceptions of professionally important personal characteristics in the structure of the professional competence of journalists as a predictor of their professional development.
Research methodology. The research methodology included conducting a survey among first-year students majoring in 061 «Journalism» (N = 207) with the Likert method using a specially designed questionnaire. For verbal-numerical assessment on the scale of importance/necessity, respondents were offered 78 characteristics of a journalist, identified by the author in the process of research. Among them, 27 characteristics are professionally important personal qualities, the analysis of the evaluation of which by students is presented in the proposed article. According to the results of the rating distribution of the evaluated characteristics, the most important, according to the respondents, professionally important qualities of a journalist (estimated by scores from the highest range – 9–11 points) were identified: clarity of speech, ability to model circumstances, stress resistance, accuracy in work.
Results. The analysis of the general rating of the evaluated characteristics allowed to conclude that the general ideas of first-year students about professionally important characteristics of a journalist are due to their understanding of the main professional functions and roles of a media specialist in terms of external influences on his work. Some shortcomings in the ideas of first-year students are revealed and the necessity of their correction in the process of teaching the relevant disciplines is argued. Forms of teaching that will promote the development of the most important personal qualities of future journalists have been identified.
The presented results of the research made it possible to confirm the hypothesis that a systematic survey of students according to the proposed method will allow 1) to determine the adequacy of students’ perceptions of the profession and, if necessary, timely adjust them; 2) to predict the professional development of students; 3) to improve the content and methods of teaching relevant disciplines.
Practical significance. The directions of further research are offered, in particular the study perceptions of students’ at different stages of higher education, teachers and practicing journalists on the necessary skills in cognitive and activity areas of professional competence of a journalist to analyze and improve the content and methodological components of journalism education.
Key words: professional training of journalists, professional competence, professionally important personal characteristics, image of profession, journalism.
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