Globalization as a Background Factor of External Influence in the Transition from Modern to Postmodern

E. Gugnin


The purpose of the study is to construct a descriptive characteristic of globalization as a background factor of the external influence of societies that are cultural leaders in relation to societies that are objects of external influence.

Research methods. Methodological support of the study is based on the use of general scientific methods of cognition of social phenomena and processes (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, typology, extrapolation, operationalization, interpretation, abstraction, generalization, as well as methods of logical-historical, systemic, comparative and structural-functional ). Using the logical-historical method, the characteristics of globalization as a background factor of external influence of societies are studied; method of typological analysis – the signs of cultural and standardization factors of globalist leadership are analyzed.

Results. It is determined that the deepening of postmodernist deconstruction includes, first of all, the creation of unstable states with unstable cultural systems. In structuring the social order, globalist actors propose the subordination of cultural systems to external subjects and the final erosion of cultural statics in favor of subjectless cultural dynamics. It is noted that social statics, which is a cultural order, rests on subjectivity, while postmodernism spreads the notion of subjectless dynamics. This means shifting research emphasis from structures to the processes and "flows" of spontaneous cultural creation. It is determined that such a paradigm makes it possible to blur the authorship of the relevant cultural influences and remove all restrictions in the field of censorship and filtering of cultural meanings. It is clear that the current and procedurally impersonal picture of the cultural and social world is spreading in those societies that are the targets of neo-colonization and infiltration of external agents.

Novelty. The article constructs a descriptive description of globalization as a background factor of external influence of societies that are cultural leaders, in relation to societies that are objects of external influence. The construction was carried out by determining the cultural and standardization factors of globalist leadership and the consequences of globalist cultural projects for unstable societies.

Practical meaning. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the enrichment of Ukrainian sociology with theoretical and methodological substantiation of the term "globalization" as a background factor of external influence in the modern and postmodern period.

Key words: globalization, external influence, cultural hegemony, cultural references, identity, diffusion, fragmentation.


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