PR-Technologies and Their Role in the Formation of Public Opinion and its Use in the Process of Information Wars

V. Poltorak, Ya. Zoska, A. Stadnyk


The purpose of the study is to analyze the problem of the specifics and effectiveness of the impact of PR technologies on the formation and use of public opinion in the processes of information warfare.

Research methodology. The following methods and approaches were used in the study: system analysis – to clarify the characteristics, on the one hand, of modern information warfare, on the other – the state of mass consciousness and public opinion; structural and functional analysis – to study the peculiarities of the impact of information warfare and the reaction of public opinion to it; comparative analysis – to compare the effects of information warfare on different groups of the population of Ukraine. The empirical basis of the study is the data of an expert survey of representatives of a number of specific categories of the population: anti-terrorist operation soldiers, volunteers, teachers of socio-political departments of higher education institutions (32 people, 2016).

Results. The article considers an important and little-studied problem related to the role of PR technologies and the specifics of their use by the subjects of information wars in the formation of public opinion in the population of both warring parties, and its use to solve various problems. war.

Novelty. The specifics of using such technologies as image-making, branding, covert management on NLP-technologies, organization of PR-campaigns and some others are analyzed. The analysis is carried out mainly on the basis of consideration of the relevant problems that have arisen and are arising in the process of information war between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, which has been conducted since 2014. Examples of its use of PR-technologies are given.

The practical significance. The formulated conclusions can be used both by scientists for the development of special sociological theories (sociology of mass communications, sociology of war, sociology of public opinion) and by practitioners, employees of public administration and security services of Ukraine to improve work in information security.

Key words: information war, public opinion, PR-technologies, image-making, NLP-technologies.


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