Rhetorical Aspects of Communicative Efficiency of Early Christian Apologies

M. Butyrina, Ye. Babenko


The purpose of the study is to identify the rhetorical techniques that are able to ensure effective religious communication.

Research methodology. The study used general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, as well as special scientific method of communication analysis, which allowed to identify the communication means of effective religious speech, to interpret the interaction of the Church with parishioners and other target audiences in social communications’ term system. In addition, specific-historical and cultural-historical approaches were used for a relevant interpretation of the context of the religious communication which is investigated in the article.

Results. In the study the phenomenon of religious communication is considered and one of the main factors of its effectiveness is identified. The object of study is the early Christian Apologies (First and Second) of Justin the Philosopher, dating from the middle of the second century A.D. Using this example, we described the context of creating apologies and their effectiveness for the polytheistic world, found a communicatively effective construction of a religious missionary text and found that it was created in accordance with the traditional rhetorical pattern (treatises of Cicero) in compliance with the basic rules of oratory. Research has shown that the use of rhetorical techniques and, above all, the inculturation approach has been inherent in religious communication since ancient times.

Novelty. For the first time the early Christian apologies were considered as a part of effective religious communication, worthy of imitation in the period of mediatisation of religion, through the prism of the communication approach and the rhetorical canon related to it.

Practical significance. The results and conclusions of the study can complement the scientific discourse of the «Social Communications» field, as well as be used in teaching disciplines of the «Journalism» specialty in terms of mediatisation of religion.

Key words: religious communication, means of communication, rhetorical canon, apologies, mediatisation of religion.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.1(45).2


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