A. Girman, N. Kodatska


Purpose. Analysis and systematization of objective conditions that determine the content of communication processes at the intercultural level, the selection of the regional component as an important aspect of intercultural communication in the modern world.

Research methodology. The study used a comparative-historical method to analyze and systematize data on the development of intercultural communication. Systematization and classification were used to determine the features and factors of the regional component emergence of communicative processes at the intercultural level.

Results. The research considers сommunication as a tool for realizing the practical interests of individuals, a way of liberation from economic and political influences and the process of communication at the intercultural level. The review of tendencies in the field of international culture is carried out. Two main trends are outlined: expansion into the international culture field, which leads to assimilation; the formation of a «common culture» along with national cultures, ie the desire for unity in diversity. The analysis of constituent elements of intercultural communication is carried out and its features are defined. The concept of intercultural competence is considered, which implies the ability to carry out communicative processes within the interaction of two or more cultures. The phenomenon of regionalism, which is realized through cultural, historical and geographical proximity and the desire of neighboring countries and regions to preserve their cultural and economic identity through regional trade and economic preferences and collective protectionism, is analyzed. The classification of international regionalization processes that take place at several spatial levels is carried out; macro-, meso- and micro-levels are distinguished. Four types of macro-regionalism are outlined: Atlantic (Western), European, American and Asian (Eastern). The region is defined as a subject of cultural life with its infrastructure, capable of self-assessment of its historical perspective, characterized by historically formed general way of life, nature and socio-economic specifics.

Novelty. The article analyzes the regional differentiation of society and highlights the regional component as an important aspect of intercultural communication.

Practical significance. The results of the study can be used to improve the forms and methods of intercultural communication, the formation of the regional context of effective communication technologies.

Key words: geopolitical processes, geoeconomic system, ethnocultural dimension, intercultural communication, regional studies, types of macroregionalism.


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