Social Determination of Television Fashion Journalism

V. Suprun


The purpose of the research is analytical and synthetic study of the television representation of modern fashion journalism and its social impact on the mass audience.

Research methodology. The realization of the goal is possible due to general scientific (analysis and synthesis) and special scientific methods of journalism studies (descriptive, comparative), which together form the idea of television journalism of fashion of the XXI century.

Results. It was developed that modern television is a valid tool, which provides a full-scale understanding of certain fashion trends. Influencing factors of fashion and journalism together perform a formative function: to make a person a full-fledged member of society, with all its external manifestations and internal indicators. Therefore, the synthesized format of fashion journalism, assimilating the features of both industries, despite the entertaining nature of the content, has an important social impulse it becomes not only a unifying construct in society, but also provides the opportunity to create together within a certain society. We have identified five main social functions performed by television fashion journalism: information-adaptational, social-grouping, social-balancing, social-worldview, social-educational.

Novelty. For the first time the social significance of fashion journalism, its influence on the mass audience in the projection on social and evolutionary progress is determined.

Practical significance. The conclusions obtained during the study will expand the idea of modern Ukrainian television fashion journalism, will shape the vision of its social mission. The obtained results can be used in scientific and educational practice, in publishing activities during the compilation of reference books on social communications.

Key words: fashion journalism, society, television content, mass audience.


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