The First Children’s Talent Show in the History of Ukrainian Radio Broadcasting
The study objective is to expand the awareness of Ukrainians on the history of world Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting and to enrich the profile scientific discourse with the sector of Ukrainian-language radio of diaspora as its natural component.
Research methodology. The study is based on the archival research method. The analysis of digitized issues of the Ukrainian daily in the USA «Svoboda», the leading publication of Ukrainian emigration, was expanded with method of monitoring, bibliographic-descriptive method, and method of comparison in time and covered 1930–1932. The obtained conclusions were made, based on the results of the analysis of information collected from 913 issues of the newspaper and 375 materials of various genres, which contain valuable information on this topic.
Results. The main preconditions and stages of creation of the first periodical radio program for younger listeners in the world Ukrainian-language radio space are stated. The content, thematic and genre orientation of radio programs in the USA, in which children were invited to the microphone, were analyzed. The methods of feedback, success rate, marketing component, style of constructive criticism, evaluation of such initiatives by contemporaries are studied and analogies to the relevant segment at the present stage are made. The importance of succession of generations in the process of development of the world Ukrainian-language radio space in the conditions of digitalization and internetization of the global information space is emphasized. It was established that the leading role in the creation of the first radio programs on the analyzed topic was played by the personality of its leader, sponsor and inspirer M. Surmach and the importance of the work of the united Ukrainian community motivated to acquaint the general public with its culture through the media is emphasized. The significance of such initiatives for contemporaries in general and the radio process in particular is assessed.
Novelty. For the first time, a retrospective of the formation of a foreign Ukrainian-language media space in the context of the creation of the first periodical radio program for children in the international media space of the United States in the early 1930s was carefully researched and documented.
The practical significance of the results of the study lies in rethinking the historical context of the formation of the world Ukrainian-language radio space and its perception as a holistic system that has been unfolding around the world for almost a century.
Key words: archival periodicals, children’s radio program, multicultural media space, Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting.
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