Socio-Political Broadcasting at UA: Pershyj TV Channel («UA: Перший») as a Tool of Efficient Journalism
Socio-Political Broadcasting at UA: Pershyj TV Channel («UA: Перший») as a Tool of Efficient Journalism
Purpose of study is to analyze peculiarities of formation of socio-political content at UA: Pershyj TV channel.
Research methodology. In the course of the research general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, as well as monitoring of the content of such UA: Pershyj TV channel productions as Public Studio, TV news and «Reverse Countdown» talk show were used.
Results. Analysis of socio-political content at UA: Pershyj TV channel proves that the Public Broadcasting of Ukraine (PM) is gradualiy approaching theoretical and practical models of effective journalism at both national and regional levels. This means the effectiveness of coverage and discussion of topical issues of society, as well as the impact on those authorized and responsible to make certain decisions and solve problems. On the path of democratic development, Ukrainian society needs such a mechanism of transparency and accountability of the government. The PM adheres to professional standards, applies innovation in media production.
Novelty. On the example of innovative methods of presenting socio-political content on the UA: Pershyj TV channel, a theoretical and practical model of effective journalism in terms of media convergence is offered.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be applied by regional branches of the PM, as well as some commercial broadcasters seeking innovative approaches to the formation of socio-political content and the use of effective journalism. The conclusions can be used to prepare training courses in various specialties, in particular, «Journalism» and more.
Key words: Public Broadcasting of Ukraine, social and political lexis and content, theoretical and practical model of effective journalism.
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