Features of Formation a Community of Comic Book Fans in the Modern Information Space

K. Kopylchak


The purpose. To trace the peculiarities of the formation of the community of fans of comics in the modern Ukrainian information space.

Research methodology. During the research general scientific methods of synthesis, analysis and observation were used. System analysis was used to study the available Internet resources on comics.

Results. Comics are more interested in society. Interest that arouses consumer interest. Today, comics are a unique product of publishing, an effective means of presenting and disseminating information from various fields of knowledge, as well as an artistic tool and already established art. Ukrainian comics have many genres, subgenres, touch on different topics and a wide range of issues, as well as aimed at readers of different ages, social status, type of activity. The tradition of comics and cartoons is an integral part of many cultures around the world, both Western and Eastern. Comic book readers are described as a unique sub cultural group. The main types of communication between readers and publishers of comics are formed. Described the main types of comic book promotion in Ukraine among different groups of readers. The main media resources used by publishers and readers of comics to promote and discuss new publications are listed. It is emphasized that the formation of a loyal community of comic book consumers will contribute to the development of the genre.

Novelty. For the first time, the peculiarities of forming a community of comic book fans in the modern Ukrainian information space have been studied. It should be noted that comics and graphic novels are already present in the Ukrainian discursive field, but the discussion of these special cultural phenomena is conducted mainly in a journalistic way on «comic-oriented» Internet resources.

Practical significance. The results of the work can be used for scientific work or to create lecture material.

Key words: comics, promotion, communication, media.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.1(45).10


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