From Competition to Partnership: Fashion Media Trend or Market Need?

K. Horska


Purpose. The aim of the study is to scientifically rethink the traditional approaches to media collaboration in the digital information environment, identify the factors that led to a new wave of popularity of partnership practices and highlight the segments in which such cooperation will be most effective.

Research methodology. The article assumes a comprehensive study of the cooperation phenomenon: analysis of its nature and environment of implementation; models and participants of some partnership practices. For this, a theoretical methodological corpus was used, including description, generalization, evaluative analysis; method of systematization and predictive method.

Results. The results of the study showed that, although the need and principles of partnership have not changed significantly, the media have faced the need to implement these practices in the digital environment. The traditional motivators of cooperation are technological progress, high competition and financial instability. Another surge of attention to the partnership was observed during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the possibilities of content production, especially of regional media, were significantly limited due to lockdowns. Today, the initiatives themselves are centered around individual cycles of media production.

Novelty. The study systematizes the accumulated foreign practices for the transfer of successful examples of partnership to the Ukrainian media landscape. Vectors of cooperation development in the digital environment are revealed, its potential in various sectors of media activity is estimated.

Practical significance. The results of the study are designed to serve as a vehicle for the practical implementation of the offered models and to initiate new approaches to understanding cooperation in the digital environment.

Key words: media, media partnership, network collaboration, participatory models in journalism.


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