The Role of Advertising in Educating / Shaping «New Reader»: Proved by Ivan Tyktor (on 125th Anniversary of Outstanding Ukrainian Publisher)

N. Zelinska


Purpose. The purpose of this study is to prove the effectiveness and efficiency of advertising in the education / formation of the readership on the example of the «Ukrainian Press» media concern, which can be updated in modern media.Research methodology. The basis of the research is informational, cultural, and systemic approaches; the methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization are used – to detect the «technology» of shaping the new readers’ environment in terms of inter-war Galicia; extrapolation method – to demonstrate the possibilities to transfer some elements of the experience earned by Tyktor (the influence of advertising on the audience of recipients) to activity of modern media.Results. The place of advertising among other methods having been used by the outstanding Ukrainian publisher Ivan Tyktor in 20–30th years of XX cent. to shape the new readers’ audience is determined, and the effectiveness of his advertising strategy in the modern terms is shown.Novelty. The effective «technologies» of education and gradual shaping of progressive readers’ audience – with new social settings, cultural requests, household habits – which used means of direct and indirect advertising in publications having been appeared at Ivan Tyktor’s «Ukrainian Press» concern are exposed and illustrated with samples. As it was shown these «technologies» after some technical «upgrade» and according to modern gustative «tuning» can be used in the modern terms, with the need for the effective co-action among participants of the «author–media–recipient» communicative chain and the problem of certain «discourtesy» of great part of the audience caused with gaps of education, selectivity of sources of information and massive «non-reading» in general at all was outlined.The practical significance. The research results can be used at the activity of various segments of mass media infrastructure (advertising agencies, publishers, media).Key words: advertising, advertising technologies, advertising strategy, reader, readership, publisher, publication, publishing concern


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