The Author-Consumer Relations in the Advertising Product (on the Material of Free Associative Experiment)

O. Rusetska


The purpose of our study is to track and analyze the effectiveness of promotional products through the associative reactions of the recipient to its components (pictorial and textual).

Research methodology. The main research method is a free associative experiment. In the course of the study, an experiment was carried out with incentives, which were advertising products, and not individual concepts. The specificity of such material lies in the inextricable connection between the verbal and non-verbal parts of one product: the advertising slogan and the image that accompanies it is an integral complex of impact on the consumer. Methods of analysis and generalization were used at different stages.

Results. The article presents the main approaches to creating incentive lists for a free associative experiment. Advertising products are analyzed to achieve the communicative goal, using a free associative experiment on advertising components. It is established that each component of advertising is an information carrier that is important for advertising of both types. Messages can be duplicated in different parts, supplemented or send the recipient to a completely different topic. Thus, the analyzed advertising product about abortion in its components carries different information for perception, which weakens the effect of advertising. The image and the text for DOVE soap advertising complement each other informationally, creating a three-dimensional image of the advertised product. «Coca-Cola: Discover Yourself» advertising is dynamic because it combines procedurality in a slogan and a recognizable pictorial element. This overlay causes a powerful driving effect.

Novelty. For the first time a free associative experiment was used to study advertising materials on the effectiveness of perception of their components.

Practical meaning. Theoretical materials of the article can serve as a basis for further scientific research and be used in the study of the advertising market.

Key words: free associative experiment, stimulus list, advertising product, slogan.


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