Interactive Technologies in Training Future Specialists in the Field of Information Activities

G. Yermolayeva


The purpose of the study is to analyze effective methods of professional training of future professionals in the field of information activities in integration with traditional forms of education, which is a multifaceted process of specialist’s professional development.

Research methodology. According to the purpose, the research process consists in the application of theoretical methods (documentary analysis, analytical-synthetic information processing, comparison), which allows to identify and generalize the features of interactive technologies in the educational process of future specialists in the field of information activities, change the content of vocational education, improvement of the educational process, in which the share and importance of students’ independent work increases.

Results. An important component of quality training of future specialists in information activities is the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process, an important place among which belongs to the interactive ones. It is proved that interactive learning technologies change the scheme of communication in the learning process: interpersonal mutual speech contact between speakers becomes important.

Novelty. The novelty of the obtained results is due to the fact that, despite the active interest of the scientific community in the essence of interactive technologies in higher education, there are still no serious generalizations devoted to interactive forms of training future professionals with information activities.

Practical meaning. The results of the study can be used in the development of educational materials in the disciplines («Introduction to Profession», «Information and Analytical Activities», «Visual Analytics», «Information Monitoring», «Management Information Assurance»), special courses in higher education for students professional training in the field of information activities.

Key words: interactive learning technologies, educational process, higher education, specialists in the field of information activities.


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