Information and Media Space: the Problem of Journalists Professional Training
The purpose of the article is to reveal the peculiarities of training future journalists within a higher education institution.
Research methodology. The study used a number of general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, which allowed to reveal and systematize interactive forms of organization of the educational process in the future journalists training. With the help of a descriptive method and content analysis, the peculiarities of future journalists training within a higher educational institution are revealed, specific forms of media professionals training on the basis of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University are exposed, which made it possible to comprehensively achieve the goal.
Results. The study found that the training of future journalists in higher education can be seen as the development of professional knowledge and skills, when they are organically combined with knowledge of the socio-cultural situation and constitute the worldview of a media specialist, as well as the individual’s ability to continuous self-improvement. The implementation of innovative forms and methods in professional training of journalists within a higher educational institution is revealed in detail. It is noted that professional training of journalists presupposes the presence of modern thinking: the ability to adequately, independently analyze phenomena and processes, see the main and special, abandon the stereotypes and inertia of thinking, respond quickly to social processes and publish reliable facts. Emphasis is placed on the fact that this is a systemic process, so we consider it necessary within the educational and journalistic activities to create a system of conditions and tools necessary for the effective formation and improvement of the «portrait of a journalist».
Novelty. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the detailed disclosure of interactive forms and methods of journalists professional training on the basis of Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.
The practical significance of the research is that the implementation of professional such profesional classes as workshop, training, briefing, book trailer, round table, «fairy tale», the simulation of editorship «Editor’s box» and the educational project «You will not read this in books» allows students to practically improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities.
Key words: professional training, higher educational institution, future journalists, interactive forms, media space.
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