Modern Risks of Self-Realization of Gifted Pupils in Ukraine and the Role of Social Policy in their Minimization

K. Mykhaylyova, Yu. Yeremenko


The purpose of the article is to reveal the potential of social policy in minimizing the risks of self-realization of gifted pupils.

Research methodology. The study used the following methods: analysis and synthesis (to reveal the possibilities of social policy in areas of self-realization of gifted pupils, which are related to environmental and subjective influences), grouping (to identify groups of risks of self-realization of gifted pupils).

Results. To analyze the possibilities of social policy in minimizing the risks of self-realization of gifted pupils, the following risks are considered: risks of macrosocial environment (social risks), which include the risk of lack of established criteria for gifted pupils, the risk of discretion of attention to gifted pupils, the risk of social differentiation, the risk of mobility; risks of the mezoenvironment, including risks of school (stereotyping of gifted pupils, blocking of talents, deprivation risks) and family (inflated level of expectations, extrapolation to the child of parental unrealization, lack of attention to the child’s talent); individualized risks, including the risk of undiscovered giftedness, the risk of maladaptation, the risk of negative deviant behavior, the risk of inflated self-esteem, the risk of demotivation), etc. On the basis of generalizations of theoretical and practical material, as well as with the use of empirical research data, the manifestations of the proposed risks of self-realization of gifted pupils are illustrated. Attention is paid to the factors influencing their minimization, among which the social policy is considered.

Novelty. The author’s typology of risks of self-realization of gifted pupils is used to analyze the problem. By addressing the essence of social policy and its objects, the possibilities of including in its content provisions that will promote the self-realization of gifted pupils are shown.

Practical meaning. Emphasis is placed on the fact that these actions can be carried out at different levels of social dynamics: global, societal, institutional and individual. All of them create opportunities to overcome the risks of self-realization of gifted pupils.

Key words: gifted pupils, social policy, risks of self-realization of gifted pupils, school, family, society.


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