Social Capital as a Social Phenomenon: Conceptual-Applied Analysis
The purpose of the article is sociological conceptualization of social capital as a decisive factor in the development of both the individual and society as a whole in the context of global socio-cultural changes and social transformations.
Research methodology. Methodological support of the study is based on the use of general scientific methods of cognition of social phenomena and processes (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, typology, extrapolation, operationalization, interpretation, abstraction, generalization, as well as methods of logical-historical, systemic, comparative, network and structural-functional analysis). With the help of the logical-historical method the evolution of the formation of approaches to the definition of capital in general, and in particular social capital is traced; method of typological analysis revealed the mechanisms of the institutional structure of social existence of the individual in modern society; method of system analysis revealed the status-role functions of the «intellectual subject».
Results. It is determined that social capital is an important social phenomenon, which consists of three complementary components, namely: social networks, social norms and social trust, which are closely linked. The analysis gives grounds to characterize this social phenomenon as follows: first, social capital consists of three key components: social networks, norms and trust; secondly, social capital has a certain structure and accumulates at different levels of social interaction in modern society; third, there are various forms, types and kinds of social capital.
Scientific novelty. The value of research lies in the scientific conceptualization of social capital as a decisive factor in development.
Practical meaning. The results of the study can be used in the development of socio-economic, political and socio-cultural institutions and organizations.
Key words: scientific approaches to the study of social capital; the content of social capital; structure of social capital; types, levels and forms of social capital; criteria for measuring social capital.
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