The purpose is to generalize the imagination of the future of social systems in sociological reflection and determine the possibility of its technologisation through strategic planning, based on the concept of J. Urry.
Research methods. The generalization method is used to clarify key ideas about the development of social systems in a digital society. The method of analysis and synthesis, structural method were used to disclose the provisions of J. Urry’s concept, which contribute to the technology of movement to the future due to strategic planning.
Results. Based on John Urry’s ideas about the image of the future, the author focuses on main trends in the strategic planning of the social system development. First, the future cannot have a single image and is an extremely speculative subject, because the description of the future can be scientific and non-scientific; this requires that strategic planning include alternatives. Secondly, the process of predicting the future of different social systems is complicated by the existence of different «types of future», namely: probable, possible and preferred. In the process of strategic planning it is necessary to substantiate all kinds of future. Third, due to the widespread competition between futurologists, writers, philosophers, economists, marketers, sociologists for the right to determine the future of states, cities, organizations, regions, strategic planning should be based on results of complex research and description of the future on its basis by a number of scientific disciplines (philosophy, sociology, economics, psychology). Fourth, there is a commercialization of the image of the future, ie this image is subject to the laws of marketing and becomes a commodity service. The strategic plan as a tool for moving to the future of the social system is in the form of an intellectual service provided on a commercial basis. Orders for this service are not received by academic scientists, but by consultants in strategic management, project management specialists. Fifth, there are currently a variety of methods that can be used to strategically predict the future, and not all of them have a scientific basis.
Novelty. The article points that in the conditions of pluralism of theoretical approaches in modern researches of the future of various social systems the demand of productive discourse about the future grows. The strategic plan as a tool for moving to the future of the social system is in the form of an intellectual service provided on a commercial basis. Orders for this service are not received by academic scientists, but by consultants in strategic management, project management specialists.
Practical meaning. The demand for strategic foresight of the future is implemented through strategic planning, strategic management, strategic thinking. Research results can be used in the preparation and advanced training of professionals for predicting future social systems, strategic planning and strategic management of social systems of different levels.
Key words: future, image of the future, social system, strategic planning, strategic management, strategic thinking.
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