Conceptualization of the Symbolic Image of Donbass in News Media Texts
The purpose of the research is to find out the means of forming a symbolic image of Donbass in modern media texts.
Research methodology. In the course of writing the article general scientific methods were used: generalization, synthesis and system analysis, which allowed to identify and systematize the means of forming a symbolic image of Donbass in news media texts, their comparison and matching, identification of semantic and structural features; linguistic and semiotic analysis as a special-scientific research method for revealing the content of the conceptual image of Donbass in news media discourse.
Results. According to the results of the research it is established that the concept of conceptualization belongs to the central and fundamental ones in cognitive linguistics and is considered as a process of developing and formation of concepts in human consciousness. It was found that the conceptualization of the image of Donbass in news media texts covering military actions in Eastern Ukraine is based on symbolic images – oikonyms, which form the mental field of the consumer of information and create in his imagination images endowed with symbolic content. The structural and stylistic features of toponyms are characterized, it is found that they are characterized mostly by a one-component structure, less often by a two-component one. It is established that the semantic structure of the oikonym in news media texts contains a number of general and individual meanings that form a certain information and cultural context and form a symbolic image of Donbass. The directions of further scientific research are also determined.
Novelty. For the first time the means of forming a symbolic image of Donbass in modern news media texts have been identified and systematized; their semantic features are revealed and the structure is characterized; it is proved that the means of conceptualizing the symbolic image of Donbass in the news media space are oikonyms.
The practical significance of the research results is that they can be used by authors of news media texts in the coverage of hostilities in eastern Ukraine to form a mental field of information consumers and create a conceptual symbolic image of Donbass.
Key words: image, symbolic image, conceptualization, news media text, oikonym, semantics, structure.
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