Explication of Archetypes and Symbols in Modern Ukrainian Feature Films

L. Ponomarenko


The purpose of the article is to explicate archetypes and symbols in modern Ukrainian historical films those were made during 2015–2021 term. As an object of research, we selected precisely those modern films of the historical genre, the titles of those are identical to the main character or characters names in the films. At the same time, the fact how real or pseudo-real the prototypes of the main characters of the films selected for analysis were, was not taken to consideration.

Research methodology. The main general scientific methods that are used in this article are the analysis of literature on the issue under study (on the explication of archetypes and symbols and their use in modern Ukrainian feature films of the historical genre), description (of selected films according to the main criteria – release date, director’s name, screened work), comparative analysis (to clarify the similarities and differences between the archetype and the symbol and types of national archetypes), the method of explication (to clarify the essence of national types of archetypes). In addition, the article uses the following empirical methods: rolling sample (for the selection of relevant films) and content analysis with elements of qualitative analysis (to clarify the use of predominant national archetypes and symbols in the film as means of their implementation).

Results. It is being explicated that the archetype and symbol are the key concepts of research, although they belong to different fields of study – subconscious, intangible and conscious, material, but complement to each other, expressing the archetypal-symbolic meaning of the message. Therefore, these concepts are not identical or interchangeable, but are closely related. It has also been suggested that national archetypes are based on universal human archetypes.

In modern Ukrainian feature films with the main character – a historical or pseudo-historical person – the following archetypes are clearly expressed: first, the archetype of the earth, which begins to form with the help of shots from the Ukrainian landscape proper and to generalize about Ukraine as a state as a whole; secondly, the archetype of a strong knight, which is overwhelmingly the main character of the film; thirdly, the archetype of freedom, which is created in the process of a knight's struggle for his native land.

Novelty. It has been identified that in selected modern Ukrainian feature films of the historical genre, three national Ukrainian archetypes prevail – the archetype of the earth, the strong knight and freedom they are closely related.

Practical significance. The results of the research can be used in writing screenplays and staging them, reviewing films, as well as in the educational process of specialty 021 «Audiovisual art and production» students.

Key words: archetype, ethnocultural and national archetypes, symbol, explication, modern Ukrainian feature film, historical genre, archetype of earth, freedom and a strong knight.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.2(46).2


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