The purpose of the study is to empirically determine the list of pragmatic values of service-expert programs of own production and production by special order of top rated national TV channels of Ukraine.
Research methodology. The research uses methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and generalization, as well as a survey conducted by correspondence mass questionnaire in electronic (written) form using Google Tools.
Results. As a result of the survey, a list of pragmatic values for each of the thematic categories of service-expert programs of own production and production by special order of rating TV channels of Ukraine of national broadcasting was developed, empirically confirmed and supplemented by questioning TV viewers, namely for such: «travel», «living arrangement», «psychology of relations», «medicine and health», «cooking», «life», «beauty», «fashion and style», «service sphere».
According to the respondents' answers to additional questions of the questionnaire, five thematic categories of service-expert programs were identified, based on timeless values: «travel», «cooking», «psychology of relationships», «medicine and health», «sphere». maintenance «, which are a priority for viewing archival issues, as well as retransmission of useful information for more than half of the surveyed viewers.
Novelty. For the first time, the pragmatic value of service-expert programs for TV viewers was empirically determined.
Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in the practice of television production of service-expert programs, in particular, taken into account in the development of concepts and plots of programs.
Key words: service-expert programs, Ukrainian television, pragmatic value, thematic categories, survey, television viewer.References
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