T. Hіrina


The research objective is to introduce into the scientific discourse and information field of popular-science literature information about the establishing history of the world Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting, in particular in the context of its international sector.

The methodological basis of the study is grounded on the use of historical method, the method of archival research, and is deepened by the bibliographic-descriptive method, the method of comparison in time, the method of induction and accentuation. The content of 913 issues of the oldest Ukrainian-language newspaper in the USA, «Svoboda», in 1930–1932, was studied using the monitoring method; the use of qualitative content analysis allowed to comprehend the content of 375 materials of various genres, which contain valuable information on the analyzed topics.

Results. The ways of promoting Ukrainian-language radio hours in the US media space in 19301932 were found out. It was established that the main ways to promote the media business of Ukrainians were personal communication and publication of advertising messages in the press. The tasks, types and efficiency of thematic event attractions, including competitions for the title of the best music groups, radio picnics, radio balls, radio entertainment balls, raffles, and later beauty contests, are studied. The importance of folk art in the context of the accumulation of interest in Ukrainian radio initiatives among the local community is emphasized. The genre diversity of thematic messages in the press was studied, in particular, the use of announcements, reports, advertisements, reviews, publication of listeners' letters. The advertising component of the Ukrainian-language radio space in the USA is evaluated, the first commercial program was analyzed, which consisted exclusively of advertisements. The potential of radio in promoting Ukrainian music groups, individual musicians and announcers is comprehended.

Novelty. For the first time the methods of promotion of Ukrainian radio hours in the information field of the USA in 1930–1932 were carefully researched and documented, the competitive advantages and semantic potential of such programs in the conditions of rapid formation of the world radio space were comprehended.

The practical significance of the research results lies in the introduction of the formation history aspects of Ukrainian emigration radio hours into the scientific discourse as a component of the world Ukrainian-language radio paradigm.

Key words: archival periodicals, multicultural media space, radio business promotion, radio advertising function, Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting.


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