Problems and Prospects for the Development of e-Sports Journalism in the Modern Media Space
The purpose of the study is to highlight the problems and prospects for the development of e-sports journalism in the modern media space.
Research methodology. The work used general scientific and special methods of scientific research, such as: methods of scientific abstraction, analysis, synthesis, systematization and generalization of the study of special scientific literature and Internet resources on individual theoretical positions.
Results. The phenomenon of e-sports as a fundamental element of modern digital culture is highlighted. The forecast of the dynamics of the world e-sports market and the popularity of e-sports events is demonstrated on the example of the growth of their views, audience, prize funds, which are played in tournaments and revenues from broadcasts in today's conditions. The place of our country in the world sphere of e-sports is specified. The main aspects of e-sports culture development in Ukraine are analyzed. The capacity of the Ukrainian e-sports market and opportunities for its development as a real industry on the border of sports, media and entertainment are considered. Approaches to the monetization of the popularity of e-sports as the main direction of its development in today's conditions are singled out. The main problem in the development of e-sports journalism in today's conditions is that against the background of the active development of the culture of world e-sports, in our country there is its lack of formation as a full-fledged sports category.
The novelty of the development of this topic lies in the analysis of the phenomenon of e-sports journalism, which is very little studied in today's conditions. The specific nature of e-sports journalism is one of the reasons for the low interest of scientists in this field of journalism. In this aspect, new is the theoretical coverage not only of the problems, but also the prospects for the development of the phenomenon of e-sports journalism in today's media space.
The practical significance lies in the theoretical coverage of problems and prospects for the development of e-sports journalism in the modern media space in order to use the new opportunities for Ukrainian business that are created in today's digital economy.
Key words: e-sports, sports center, video games, gamers, timmeyty, bagpipes, stream, e-sports journalism, media space.Full Text:
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