The aim of the work was to find out the role of convergent journalism in the modern Ukrainian media space.
Research methodology. The article used empirical and theoretical methods, the method of sociological research, descriptive and analytical method for the study of scientific literature, as well as system analysis and synthesis, problem-thematic and comparative analysis for the study of media materials. To cover the study of this topic, we will first analyze the theoretical sources. The next step is the analysis of the convergent media content on the example of Radio Liberty, and with the help of analysis and analogies, we will cover the work of editorial offices. Based on the obtained data, we will develop recommendations for journalists and consumers of information.
Results. Society has entered a new phase of information and communication technologies development. Information strongly influences the progress of humankind, the speed of obtaining, volume and quality of information become a factor of sustainable and efficient functioning of socio-economic systems. Journalism has become a global phenomenon. The rapid development of new digital technologies requires journalists to take new approaches to disseminating and presenting information. The media need effective editorial staff that will meet modern requirements. Consumers of information do not want to resort to three types of media (radio, press, TV) in turn, they need everything at once. Digital technologies put journalists in a rigid framework and demand from them not only professionalism but also universality. For instance, Radio Liberty is an example of convergent editorial office, which should be followed by other media that want to keep up with the times.
Novelty. Based on the results of the study, we can say that the transition from traditional to convergent media is still worth doing. After all, according to the survey, modern audiences need new approaches to presenting information.
Practical importance. It is worth creating applications for Android, IOS platforms, working on social networks – to make official accounts, develop the site as interactive as possible, always with the ability to comment and distribute news. It is also important to involve not only social networks, but also various video hosting services, because the modern consumer requires maximum interactivity.
Keywords: convergence, merger, online media, audience, content.References
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.2(46).9
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