Worldview Publicism: from the Collection Nerves Collection (2003) to Zbruc-Essays

L. Temchenko, I. Bucharska


Purpose of the study. Comparative analysis of essays by Ukrainian writers-publicists, in which the philosophical category «freedom» is investigated by literary methods (collection «Nerves of the chain», 2003); further development of the ideas of political and personal freedom formulated by the authors is investigated (the section «Discourses» of the Internet edition «Zbruc», founded in 2013).

Research methodology. The texts of the collection of essays «Nevras of the chain» (2003) in thematic and semantic unity were subject to analytical research. Additionally, in order to create an appropriate context for a deeper study of the topic, the texts of the «Discourses» section of the Internet edition «Zbruc» were analyzed. In the course of the study, the following general scientific methods were used: descriptive, analysis, synthesis and generalization, which made it possible to study the retrospective and current state of the issue of the genre specificity of the essay. The semantic factors of the author's interpretations of the category «freedom» are considered in the national communicative context.

Results. At present, the essay genre, which has long been on the margins of journalism, is dynamically developing and is one of the most popular genres in the system of journalistic genres. Essay writing has become the most common form of journalistic writing in modern Ukraine. The genre nature of the essay presupposes an accentuated originality of thought, which does not allow works to get lost in the information space filled with texts. Analysis of modern Ukrainian essays from the collection «Nerves of the chain» (2003) and the rubric «Discourses» of the Internet edition «Zbruc» made it possible to talk about the literary and philosophical nature of these texts. Twenty-five variants of the interpretation of the theme of freedom, which are presented in the collection Nerves of the Chain (2003), are primarily due to different author's experience, differences in their social environment. Comprehension of the category of «freedom» in its correlation with the national specifics of history and modernity generates an endless discussion, which, in turn, generates new directions in the development of the eternal theme of freedom. A space of two-level dialogue is formed (writer - writer, writer - reader), in the process of which freedom of thought is brought up.

Novelty. An attempt was made to study the ideological evolution of the Ukrainian essay discourse. A comparative analysis of the texts of popular authors (Y. Andrukhovych, O. Zabuzhko, Y. Vinnychuk, etc.) made it possible to «construct» an inter-author dialogue in which one of the fundamental problems of Ukrainian culture is discussed - freedom. The results of the analysis make it possible to determine the «key» author's questions and permanent theses with which they go to the intellectual audience.

Practical value. The results of the research can be used by journalists when writing journalistic texts on worldview issues, by teachers when developing specialized special courses.

Key words: journalism, essay, category «freedom», discourse, generational conflict.


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