Use of Social Networks in Marketing Communication Strategies of Dental Offices
The purpose of the study is to analyze and determine the effectiveness of the promotion of dental services in social networks.
The research methodology was carried out using the method of «goal tree» in Internet marketing strategic planning of the organization of information and advertising support of dental activities in social networks; method of functional modeling, namely the data flow diagrams in Gane-Sarson notation and the decomposition of the context diagram for the development of information and advertising support of the dentist in social networks, was also used. To solve the tasks set in the work, a theoretical analysis of the scientific literature was also conducted and review-analytical monitoring of the state of popularization of dental services on social networks was used as an Internet marketing strategy of a modern dentist. In addition, methods of analysis and synthesis were used to generalize and formulate conclusions.
Results. To implement the marketing communication strategy of the presence of the dental office in social networks, the advantages and disadvantages of each of them were considered. The advantages of using Internet marketing strategy in social networks in dental activities are considered.
To achieve this goal, an information model was developed, namely the «tree of goals», which graphically depicts the step-by-step performance of tasks to achieve the goal. Also, a context diagram was created, which is a means of modeling the functional requirements of the organization of information and advertising activities of dental services and a diagram of the first level of decomposition of the main process. An informational and functional models are proposed to help in planning and conducting a marketing communication strategy for dental offices on social networks.
Novelty. Despite the existence of separate studies in this area, the scientific novelty of the obtained results is that for the first time data flow diagrams and a tree of goals for the organization of information and advertising activities of dental offices on social networks were composed.
Practical meaning. The practical value of the obtained results is due to the fact that the conducted research will allow to use the analysis of the social networking platform in the buildings of the marketing communication strategy of dental services, as well as for proper planning of providing dental services on social platforms.
Key words: social networks, Internet marketing strategy, information and advertising activities, planning, dental services.
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