Social and Communication Technologies of Soviet Social Engineering Practices: Regional Studies

I. Bondarenko


The purpose of the study. The article examines the unique experience of Ukrainian scientists in the field of scientific organization of labor / social engineering in the 20–30s. XX century. The object of the article is the grandiose construction of the Dnipro Hydroelectric Station during 1927–1932.

Research methodology. To analyze the communication technologies of social engineering, the author chose a broad factual basis, that is classified archival materials, which provided a real picture of the construction of the largest industrial facility in the USSR, and periodicals of the time. The researcher, based on the methods of historical-systemic, historical-comparative analysis and socio-communicative method of assessing historical facts, determines the real socio-economic and communication algorithms for stimulating the productivity of Soviet workers.

Results. The author convincingly proves that the achievements of the Ukrainian school of social engineering in the field of optimization of production and labor productivity, psycho-technical developments of Soviet scientists, in which the psychology and sociology of labor were innovatively studied, remained unclaimed.

Novelty. The article presents still unexplored facts of the agitation and propaganda departments activities regarding the ideological processing of public opinion of Dniprobud workers: mass and individual agitation, holding various events and festivals, propaganda in the mass media, in particular in the professional and production press.

Practical significance. The main conclusion of the study is the thesis that scientific organization of labor as a scientific and applied system of industrial development measures has gradually transformed into an ideological facade of socialist construction, thereby forming a solid foundation for utopian social engineering of the state.

Key words: agitation, industrialization, scientific organization of labor, social and communication technologies, social engineering, propaganda, labor productivity.


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