Formation of Network Tools of Information Warfare (on the Example of Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine)
The purpose of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the formation of Internet resources with anti-Ukrainian propaganda content in the media space of Donbas and their use as a tool of information aggression by the Russian Federation in eastern Ukraine.
Research methodology. Methods used: monitoring, grouping of disparate data, generalization – to determine the totality and features of the Internet resources formation in the media space of the temporarily occupied part of Donbas; content analysis – to determine the characteristics of these resources content; expert method – to determine audience orientation of these resources.
Results. The peculiarities of the Internet resources formation with anti-Ukrainian propaganda content in the structure of the media space of the region, which were later used by the aggressor country to influence specific audiences, are determined. The number and diversity of the created sites of «ministries and departments, state funds of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR)» were provided by «administrative» decisions and instructions of the occupying power. The quantitative indicator of segment formation was also influenced by the paternalistic approach of so-called «DPR» to operation of «public movements» of the corresponding orientation in the Network. The formation of the propaganda pool was also due to openly manipulative actions with the administration of group communication platforms on social networks. The main condition for the functioning of the created Internet resources was and is the non-alternative anti-Ukrainian orientation of their content, fulfilling the role of propaganda mouthpieces.
The novelty of the study is in determining the peculiarities of the practice of forming a network segment of the «DPR» media sphere as a tool for disseminating propaganda content.
Practical meaning. The obtained results can be used during further research of the media space transformation processes of the region in the conditions of external information aggression.
Key words: information aggression, Internet resources, propaganda content.
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