K. Horska


Objective of the article. The objective of our study is to assess the potential of media partnership in the Ukrainian media sector, the extent to which those practices can assist individual newsrooms in addressing their strategic objectives and development plans, as well as what benefits, including social impact, the partnerships may bring.

Research methodology. The presented results are part of a larger-scale study of media partnership practices. Interviews of 116 media representatives and 12 in-depth semi-structured interviews with members of the profession whose media already had experience of co-projects, made it possible identify the areas where most of cooperation takes place. The study also enables better understanding of what newsrooms expect from the collaboration, what motivates them to collaborate, and what risks prevail when they decide on future partnership.

Results of the study showed that the key motivations for media cooperation is their desire to expand the audience coverage. At the same time, risks associated with competition and lack of understanding of parity cooperation mechanisms, are still constraining factors for these practices.

Novelty. The study contributes to rethinking approaches to journalistic cooperation of digital media.

Practical value lies in the need to update both professional and scientific discourses on the effective implementation of media partnership practices. Understanding the issues faced by newsrooms when organizing collaborations can give new impetus for wider application of these practices.

Key words: media, models of of media collaboration, media partnership, network collaboration, collaborative models in journalism.


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