Mobile Discourse of Communication Platforms

A. Dosenko


The aim of the article is to outline the new phenomenon of «mobile discourse of communication platforms» and highlight the features inherent in this type of discourse.

Research methodology. Inductive-deductive method was used for the formation of theoretical aspects of the study of Internet discourse; descriptive-analytical method – to derive the own «mobile discourse of communication platforms» concept and its characteristics; method of sociological survey was used to study the opinion of the audience on the content. A sociological survey method was used that сщмукув 203 people, including 116 women, 87 men.

Results. There is communication a need to look anew at the composition of existing typological units in the times of Internet. The formation of the phenomenon of discourse and its typology is now a relevant and necessary issue. The article offers the author’s vision of Internet discourse, describes the main approaches to its existence.

Novelty. The author offers the definition of mobile discourse, which is formed on communication platforms in the conditions of rapid development of mobile journalism.

Practical significance. The author thoroughly studies the content in social networks and ways of forming mobile discourse as a theoretical phenomenon. The work results can be used to teach the «Mobile and Internet Journalism» course of higher education institutions.

Key words: mobile discourse, communication platforms, Internet communications, discourse phenomenon.


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