Information Modeling in the Process of Information Support of the Organization

O. Laba, Yu. Romanyshyn


The purpose of the research is to build an information model of information resources of the institution for the vehicle drivers training, to analyze the effectiveness of the information resources use in the context of information support for driver training.

Research methodology. To build an information model of information resources of the institution for the vehicle drivers training the following methods were used: analysis, description, generalization, classification, information modeling.

Results. The information resources used in the activities of the institution for the vehicle drivers training were analyzed. The information resources of the institution were divided into traditional and electronic, internal and external. Among the main information resources that form the information flows of the institution are the organizational and administrative documentation of the institution, the information automated system «Driving School» workstation, the institution’s website, page and groups on social networks, external electronic information resources of government bodies on legislative and regulatory information, website of the information automated system’s developer regarding technical support of the «Driving School» workstation. The construction of a figurative-symbolic information model in the form of a scheme containing a combination of graphic and textual elements was carried out.

Novelty. Building an information model of information resources of the institution for the drivers training helped to identify features and some gaps in the information support of the institution, the appropriate level of which serves to ensure transparency and openness of its activities in accordance with current laws, regulations and technologies.

Practical significance. The main types of information resources that have a decisive influence on the activities of the institution for the vehicle drivers training were identified. Analysis of the state of use of these information resources can be used in the process of conducting a regular information audit of the institution.

Key  words: information model, information resource, information modeling, automated information system, electronic document management. 


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