Ukrainian Social Networks: Status and Prospects for the Media

I. Mudra


The purpose of the study is to determine whether Ukrainian social networks are a promising market for Ukrainian media.

Research methodology. During the research, general scientific methods were used: generalization, synthesis, analysis, abstraction, typology  which made it possible to analyze Ukrainian social networks, as well as to explore their prospects for the promotion of media content. To search for Ukrainian social networks, the author used the Google search engine, Wikipedia and mentions in media publications. We were able to find and analyze 14 existing Ukrainian social networks.

Results. Social networks are a promising and popular market for the promotion of journalistic content. After all, on one platform you can gather a billion audiences who came in search of content, and the media are the ones who can meet their need for information. Ukrainian social networks cannot compete with global communication platforms, but despite this, they are promising for the promotion of media content.

Novelty. Social networks are now at the peak of their popularity, they have a billion audience. Therefore, they are a promising area for business. All leading companies and mass media promote their products there. Ukraine and domestic mass media are no exception. Social networks are an integral part of the distribution of Ukrainian media content. The media has long seen prospects on social media to promote content and increase traffic to the site. That is why the leading Ukrainian mass media use the most popular social platforms to attract the audience – Facebook, Youtube, FB Messenger, Instagram, TikTok, Telegram, Twitter, and Pinterest. But together with the leading social networks in Ukraine, our Ukrainian social platforms for communication are created and work, which are designed for the local audience and exclusively for Ukrainians. They do not have such a large audience and it is difficult for them to compete with social giants. Less popular social networks are a promising platform for promoting own business because the algorithms of Ukrainian social networks are not as commercialized as those of popular giants. Therefore, they can be a promising platform for development.

Key words: social networks, Ukrainian social networks, platform for communication, content promotion, mass media.


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