Special Features of Information Presentation About Covid-19 Pandemic on Instagram Ac-counts by Modern Ukrainian Media (Exemplified by Profiles of «NTA» and «Ukraine 24» TV-Channels)

N. Semen


The research objective is to analyze the special features of information presentation about the Covid-19 pandemic on the Instagram accounts of the leading Ukrainian «NTA» and «Ukraine 24»

Research methods. During the research process, the methods of analogy, comparison, and analysis have been used for the characteristic of information about the Covid-19 pandemic on the Instagram profiles of the «NTA» and «Ukraine 24» TV-channels. The publications about the Covid-19 from the Instagram of the researched TV-channels have been selected for the research using the content analysis method. Applying the method of generalization the well-grounded conclusions have been made and features of the Ukrainian media activity on Instagram during the publication of information about the Covid-19 has been outlined, particularly for the «NTA» and «Ukraine 24» TV-channels.

Results. Having analyzed the materials about the Covid-19 on Instagram of the «NTA» and «Ukraine 24» TV-channels it was found out that since the beginning of the coronavirus spread 340 publications (87 on the page of «NTA» and 253 on the profile of «Ukraine 24») have appeared. In general, the analyzed accounts of the TV-channels update information about the coronavirus every day. While «Ukraine 24» publish matherials on this topic more often, and «NTA» is less operative in the Instagram, because it is more focused on Facebook and YouTube.

Novelty. The Covid-19 pandemic shook the whole Ukraine as early as at the beginning of 2020. In such difficult for humanity times access to quick and reliable information is an extremely useful and helpful thing. Because knowledge about the virus helps people fight with it and prevent it. Considering the fact that today almost every modern person is registered in various social networks, these resources have become a powerful tool for the provision of information for the audience and expression of its thoughts. There is a keen need in the study of social networks, as well as special features of media activity on these platforms.

Practical relevance. The results of this research can be used during a complex study of Instagram as a platform for the publication of journalist content and popularization of media as well as for the development of a clear strategy of the Ukrainian media activity in social networks during the publication of information about the Covid-19.

Key words: media, social networks, Instagram, account, Covid-19.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.2(46).19


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