Competency Model of Journalism Education in Evaluation of Stakeholders
The purpose of the research was to empirically study the correlation between the content of the competency model of journalism education and the competency needs of the media industry.
Research methods. To achieve this goal, an online survey of stakeholders, offering them a questionnaire with 5 blocks of competencies was conducted: «Instrumental skills», «Journalistic knowledge. Special scientific media knowledge», «Communication competency», «Sectoral / special knowledge and skills» and «Social orientation». The results of the survey were summarised in specific figures and their severity was assessed. Methods of comparative analysis and synthesis were used to evaluate the obtained data.
Results. Having conducted the research, we concluded that there is a significant gap between the competency model of journalism education and the content of competencies used in practical journalism. The greatest correlation was demonstrated by communication and language competencies, which is due to the functional nature of journalism. The knowledge component of journalism education in the responses of stakeholders is represented mainly by media law, media psychology and a set of fundamental social disciplines. Emphasis is also placed on adaptive competency, the ability to work with sources and verify information.
Novelty. For the first time, the competencies proposed by the domestic Standard of Higher Education were structured on the basis of the Weischenberg competency model. The obtained differentiated list is offered for evaluation to stakeholders of the media industry.
Practical meaning. The obtained results and conclusions of the research can be used to optimise the competency model of journalism education.
Key words: competencies, journalism education, stakeholders, journalists, media workers, media industry.
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