Child Reintegration: Concept and Essence

O. Mishchenko, E. Sivakova


The purpose of the study. The purpose of our article is to highlight the problem of social orphanhood in Ukraine as the main direction of reforming the state social policy aimed at protecting the rights and interests of the child.

Research methodology. The methodology of our research is a system of scientific principles, forms and methods of research work, namely the process of reintegration of children into biological families.

Results. The article analyzes the process of reintegration, which takes place on three social levels: sensory-emotional; emotional and social; socio-institutional. Social competence is manifested in the ability to cooperate, to solve problems in different life situations; in communication skills and mutual understanding skills; in active participation in community life, etc. (principles of reintegration of children into biological families).

Scientific novelty. It was found that the main tasks in the direction of reintegration work are to ensure the rights of children, create a favorable social and educational environment, effective conditions for the realization of the child's full potential, which will allow the child to choose the right path in independent life.

It is established that the priority tasks in the implementation of reintegration are: restoration and strengthening of relations of pupils of boarding schools with parents, relatives.

Practical meaning. Reforming the system of institutional care and education of children also involves the reintegration of children into biological families. However, despite the importance of a well-organized process of reintegration of children into the family, today in Ukraine there is very little research and practical recommendations on this issue. The research materials will be useful for the training of future specialists in the social sphere, as well as in the work of social workers and psychologists. The research results will contribute to the provision and consolidation of contacts between the child and the family; will assist in preparing the inmate of the boarding school to enter a new environment, which provides for timeliness, planning, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child, interagency partnership and a multidisciplinary approach to the individual case.

Key words: social orphanhood, crisis phenomena, process, reform, social life, deinstitutionalization, orphans, children deprived of parental care.


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