The «Information Space» Сoncept in Modern Society
The purpose of the study is the coverage of the essence of the «information space» concept and the disclosure of its features.
Research methodology. When solving the objective of the study, general scientific methods of cognition were used: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, typology, operationalization, interpretation, abstraction, generalization, as well as methods of logical and historical, systemic, comparative and structural and functional analysis. The main empirical method was the method of analyzing scientific literature, with which the essence of the «information space» concept was disclosed and the main signs of the information society were outlined; as a result of the modeling method, a technological scheme of the national information infrastructure was developed.
Results. The article analyzes the essence of the «information space» concept and outlines the general direction and nature of its development. The authors emphasize the new characteristics of the information space associated with the change in technology and the distribution of global information systems. The essence of the «information revolution» is noted, the consequences of which are manifested, in particular, in the fact that the level of development of the information space decisively affects the values of the main social groups of the population, changing their worldview and creating new relations between people.
The basic requirements that are put in front of Ukraine today is to ensure the development of society in the digital and information fields, which, in turn, can raise the standard of living of the population and the economic stability of Ukraine in whole, which, in turn, will allow to satisfy the interests of a person, society and the state generally.
Novelty. The main, fundamental signs of the information society are identified, taking into account the current state of the Ukrainian society, as well as the technological scheme of the national information infrastructure has been developed.
Practical importance. The practical importance of the results obtained is to enrich the Ukrainian sociology theoretical and methodological substantiation of the «information space» concept, which reveals the possibilities for further developing new approaches to the solution of social and economic problems facing humanity.
Key words: information space, society, public interest, systems, global world, information revolution, global trends.
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