The Role and Functions of the Mass Media in the Political Socialization of the Actor

H. Sukharevska


The purpose of the study is to analyze the role of the mass media in the political socialization of the actor.

Research methodology. In accordance with the purpose, the research process required a comprehensive application of such methods as: descriptive-analytical – for analyzing the principles of implementation of the impact with subsequent comparison and generalization of the results; inductive-deductive – for observing and describing the selected characteristics of the influence of the mass media; bibliographic – for collecting and processing of literature on the research topic.

Results. The study of political socialization is based on two main principles. The first is the «principle of primacy», according to which one learns better what one learns first. The second is the «structuring principle». It consists in the fact that the primary training structures the further training. As a result, the main attention of researchers of political socialization was focused on the study of the primary socialization mechanisms and institutions – the family and the school. This actually caused insufficient attention to the socialization function of the mass media. The main factor favorable for eroding the claims of the mass media for «intellectual» independence and, at the same time, for ensuring their activities in modern societies, has become the market type of relations. The mass media act in relation to the market as the main means of stimulating consumption – not only in the field of advertising, but also as a translator of various lifestyles given by a certain type of consumption. The most important systemic orientations deal with the distributed support of the components of the political system, namely, with the support of the political power, the political regime and the political community.

Novelty. The article analyzes the main approaches to the influence of the mass media on the political socialization of an actor, identifies the specifics of this socialization in the territory of the post-Soviet space.

The practical significance. The results of the research can be used in the development of educational materials on normative disciplines («Introduction to the Specialty», «Genres of Journalism», «History of Ukrainian Journalism», «Theory and Practice of Journalistic Creativity»), special courses and special seminars in higher education institutions for students of the «Journalism» specialty.

Key words: political socialization, influence of mass media, manipulations, political consciousness.


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