Concerts of Ukrainian Music Groups in the National Radio Space of the Usa (Experience of 1933)
The purpose of the research is to understand the system of world Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting in the form of its formation on progress at different historical stages to the present.
The methodological of the research is based on the implementation of the method of archival research of 303 numbers of digitized newspapers of the oldest Ukrainian-language newspaper in the USA «Svoboda» in 1933; the use of the historical method is extended by the method of analogies in time, the inductive method and the monitoring of the content of press publications of the specified period; The use of qualitative content analysis made it possible to analyze the content of 98 materials of various genres on the formation of Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting in the non-national media space of North America.
Results. The periodicity, genre component, program plan, content of the first Ukrainian-language radio programs on the air of national radio stations in the USA in 1933 are studied. It has been established that the first programs in Ukrainian heard by North American radio listeners were radio concerts in the form of performances by Ukrainian choirs and orchestras. The documented controversy in modern media in the context of determining the optimal approaches to the development of Ukrainian radio broadcasting in a foreign language environment is analyzed and presented. It is stated that there is no consensus on the ways of formation of radio programs, the choice of content presented on the air, the level of preparation of music groups to work for a wide radio audience. The importance of lively discussion in the society in the context of the quality of the developed radio programs for the progress of the Ukrainian radio business is emphasized.
Novelty. The place of Ukrainian radio programs in the national radio space of the USA was first documented and deeply comprehended in 1933; the competitive advantages and vectors of development of such programs in the period of the «golden age» of world radio are analyzed.
The practical significance of the research results lies in supplementing the scientific discourse with the facts of the formation of the world Ukrainian-language radio system in the context of its presentation in the US information space.
Key words: archival periodicals, media space, national radio broadcasting, radio concert, Ukrainian-language radio broadcasting.References
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