Coverage of the Topic of Sexual Violence Against Children in the Media as a Problem of Jour-nalistic Ethics

N. Dzomba


Purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to outline the algorithm(s) of media coverage of the topic of sexual violence against children, prescribed in certain documents on journalistic ethics; and to establish the level of psychological and legal correctness of these moral imperatives. The tasks, respectively, are to analyze the codes of journalistic ethics to regulate the activities of journalists in covering the topic of sexual violence against minors, compare the provisions of relevant documents, and finally conduct legal and psychological verification of ethical recommendations.

Research methodology. Scientific work was carried out mainly through the use of content analysis as a special scientific method of research in the field of social communications, as well as a number of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, induction, abstraction.

Results. The author's attention is focused on the problem of moral coverage in the media of sexual violence against children. To solve it, international, foreign and Ukrainian documents on journalistic ethics were analyzed for the presence and content of provisions on the work of journalists on topics related to children in general and sexual crimes against them in particular. The most problematic points that correspondents face when covering the relevant problem in news or reports are identified. The ethical mechanism of moral behavior of a journalist in such situations is revealed.

Based on a number of studied documents on journalistic ethics, a holistic algorithm of moral reporting in the media about sexual abuse of children is outlined. Attention is paid to uninformative gaps in its structure.

The problem of sexual crimes against children is presented as a macro-theme, within which a number of issues are relevant. The importance of journalists using an adequate thesaurus of the topiс both during the writing of the material and at the stage of gathering information - during the interview of the child was emphasized. The concepts that should be used during telling about such events and their participants are given. The perspective from which it is most expedient to describe a problem, and also pathos of texts of such subjects is defined. The established algorithm is psychologically and legally verified, its legitimacy is proved.

Sexual abuse of children has been proven to be, firstly, relevant and popular in the Ukrainian media and, secondly, is the most difficult of all child-related topics, which is often accompanied by neglect of journalistic ethics and children's rights. The most resonant examples of such violations are given, and the low level of professional cultures of communication with children in Ukraine is defined as a tendency phenomenon. Models of interaction of specialists of various branches, including mass media representatives, with children, which are popular in the modern international practice, are described.

Novelty. The studied question approaches the solution of the extremely little-studied scientific problem in Ukrainian journalism «journalism and childhood culture».

Practical value. The results can be used in further research of this scientific problem (theoretical and scientific level), as well as in the development of training courses and special courses for students majoring in «Journalism», professional self-improvement of journalists (practical and applied level).

Key words: journalism, mass media, journalistic ethics, child, sexual abuse of children.


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