Features of Media Consumption of Ukrainians during the Pandemic

B. Ivanytska, K. Balabanova


The purpose of the study is to conduct a detailed scientific and practical substantiation of the peculiarities of media consumption of Ukrainians during the pandemic, and to conduct a survey to establish which media Ukrainians use before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research methodology. The study provides a comprehensive analysis of the characteristics of media consumption of Ukrainians during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose the theoretical methodological case including the description, the analysis and synthesis is used; analytical modeling; comparative analysis; systematization, generalization and survey.

Results. The results of the study showed that, among social networks as news sources, Facebook tops the list for several years in a row, YouTube has become as an alternative to television, and Telegram is most often used to receive short news. Respondents said that they mostly watched the news using the following devices: mobile phone, computer and TV. The biggest drop in 2020 was in the level of trust in television – the main reasons for the lack of trust are inaccurate information and political bias in the news. The share of Ukrainian Internet users increased from 71% in 2015 to 90% of Ukrainians in 2020. For the younger demographic group aged 18-35, this figure rises to 100%. Accordingly, online media and social networks are more popular among Ukrainians aged 18-35, while Ukrainians over the age of 46 prefer television.

Novelty. The scientific novelty is due to the solution of an important scientific task, which is to develop practical recommendations on the peculiarities of media consumption of Ukrainians during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was established which social networks and mass media Ukrainians use most often, and whether Ukrainians trust the news and which news topics they prefer.

Practical significance. The results of the study are intended to serve for further research to explore new features of media consumption of Ukrainians during the COVID-19 pandemic and to inform about the current course of COVID-19, which will help to better understand the role of specialized media content.

Key words: media, media consumption, mass media, pandemic, COVID-19.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.3(47).4


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