Sphere of Concept Modernity in the Framework of Author-developed Journalism in Online Publication Gazeta.ua
The study objective. The aim of the research has been to make an effort to identify a set of concepts that make up the conceptual sphere of today, represented by the author's columns (blogs) of famous op-ed columnists of the Ukrainian socio-political Internet publication Gazeta.ua; to analyze special aspects of images-concepts shaping in journalistic texts of Andriy Bondar, a famous poet, columnist, translator; Oksana Zabuzhko, a talented Ukrainian writer, publicist, public figure; Vitaliy Portnikov, a famous journalist, columnist.
Research methodology. In the course of the reasearch the methods of conceptual analysis, free associative experiment, linguistic and stylistic analysis, observation methods, as well as data interpretation have been used that provided means for performing an objective analysis of concepts functioning in the op-ed journalism of the Gazeta.ua online media outlet.
Results. An individual requires understanding social relations, awareness of the own involvement in the life of the community, and the own role in the modern socio-cultural environment. Op-ed journalism is intended to ensure this by producing high-quality, unique content, with a high degree of trust among thee wide audience of online media. Such content is offered by the Ukrainian socio-political Internet Gazeta.ua, founded in 2006 by Vladimir Ruban, the famous Ukrainian journalist. One can find the columns of famous Ukrainian publicists – Andrey Bondar, Oksana Zabuzhko and Vitaly Portnikov in the «Blogs» section on the website of this publication. The conceptual sphere of today, represented by the media texts of these authors, consists of such lexemes as «Culture», «Trauma», «Big Tragedy», «Absurd», «Crimea», «Donbass». The formation and functioning of these concepts in the journalistic texts of these authors is ensured by updating socially important events and problems of Ukrainian society. The multicomponent of each concept, the combination of both rational and emotional components in it, contributes to revealing associative and vivid assessments, current problems for the nation, important political realities in journalistic materials.
Concepts are formed in specific historical conditions, in a specific cultural context. The concept is not only a part of thought, at the same time it is a reflection of feelings, experiences. The conceptual sphere of today, represented by unique journalistic texts of the leaders of opinion of the Ukrainian socio-political online Gazeta.ua, reflects a specific historical stage in the development of Ukrainian society, and reflects the value orientations of the contemporary community.
Novelty. Within the framework of the article, an effort was made to analyze the aggregation of concepts that comprise the concept sphere of today, represented by the author's columns (blogs) of famous op-ed columnists of the Ukrainian socio-political Internet publication Gazeta.ua; special aspects of images-concepts shaping in journalistic texts have been clarified.
The practical significance. The research results can be used for further development of column, and shaping professional journalistic standards.
Key words. Sphere of concept, concept, concept-image, meaning, blog, author-developed journalism, columnism, ways of expressing the author's «I», online publication.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.32840/cpu2219-8741/2021.3(47).6
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