Media Manipulations of Trust of the Target Audience

K. Bilohrats


The purpose of the article. Unscrupulous media use manipulative influence to shape public opinion, in some cases it can be considered effective. The purpose of the study is to investigate the peculiarities of the perception of the target audience for which the content is created and the potential trust of this audience to the published.

Research methodology. The article uses a general scientific method of analyzing the literature on the subject, namely – the question of trust of the target audience and methods of manipulation of media recipients. During the study, empirical methods were used to observe the object of study and compare the results of the survey, also complex methods of analysis and synthesis were used to interpret the results obtained during the research.

Results. Researcher O. Fedorov argued that manipulation can be destroyed by three ways of critical analysis, which depends on the levels of perception of information by the audience: naive-primitive/fable (emotional), plot-motivational (sensory), creative/complex identification (mental). This statement was taken as a basis in a survey of 212 people to find out how recipients react to what is published and what exactly can affect them. Three questions were asked regarding the levels of perception of information. The first question was whether the recipients would agree with what was said if the journalists would express themselves emotionally during the TV show, the second question – about the story in general and the rationale for the information presented in it, the third question is about the importance of arguments and facts.

Novelty. The survey found that it is most effective to manipulate the audience with: emotional presentation of information; forgery of evidence, ie manipulation of information, violating journalistic standards; spectacular the method of presenting information; slow and consistent impact through published materials; using subtexts in seemingly reasoned logical materials.

Practical significance. The most effective manipulations of the target audience that can be carried out by mass media are defined, also ways of detection of influence of dishonest media are offered.

Key words: mass media, manipulations, trust.


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