Stylistic of Local Political Discourse in the Social Network (on the Example of Pages of Dnipro Politicians in Facebook)
The study objective is to identify the linguistic and stylistic features of modern political discourse in social networks at the local level and the most common stylistic devices of various authors.
Research methodology. The key research methods are discourse analysis and stylistic analysis of texts. The empirical basis of the study were publications for the period from November 2020 to October 2021 on the personal Facebook pages of Dnipro politicians: Borys Filatov, Gennady Korban, Zagid Krasnov, Andrii Denysenko, Maxym Buzhansky, Olexandr Vilkul.
Results. It is established that the authors of the posts use a wide range of stylistic means in their texts. Mainly used: epithets, metaphors, irony. Peculiarities of the author's stylistics are revealed: elements of conversational style are mainly used by B. Filatov and Z. Krasnov, methods of artistic and journalistic style are characteristic of A. Denysenko and M. Buzhansky, G. Korban's style is mostly journalistic, contains elements of the official style of O. Vilkul. The style of comments of page subscribers to the texts of politicians, which is a component of political discourse on social networks, mainly corresponds to the style of the comments that are commented.
Novelty. The essence of the concept of "local political discourse" is clarified, it is substantiated that during the stylistic analysis of the discourse in social networks, it is necessary to study comprehensively the texts of posts and comments to them. The main stylistic figures used by the authors of the posts are revealed.
Practical significance. Generalized theoretical and methodological approaches and identified stylistic features of local political discourse in social networks on the example of the city of Dnipro can be the basis for further comparative research, and can also be used in the educational process.
Key words: stylistics of mass communication, author's style, stylistics of text, social networks, political communication, political discourse.
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