Television in the Conditions of Digitalization

V. Andrushkiv


The aim of the study is to interpret the processes of digitalization of Ukrainian television.

Research methodology. To study the development of television in the context of digitalization, research methods such as observation, analysis, comparison, description, and a systematic approach were used.

Results. The information society is a new level in the history of human civilization. Digitalization has contributed not only to the emergence and optimization of life processes, but also to the emergence of a new generation of millennials. The new generation is more receptive to the new digital world than older people (people born before the 1990s) who have had to master the new computer age. But people born after the twentieth century perceived the transition to the technological era almost intuitively. Modern humanity develops itself and teaches itself to adapt to new living conditions. We are still in the process of transformation, now the world is still moving to a completely digital lifestyle.

The article analyzes the interpretation of the processes of digitalization of Ukrainian television. In particular, attention is focused on the concept of digitalization in scientific discourse and the changes that have taken place on Ukrainian television through digitalization. The author reviews the platforms and methods currently used by TV channels. The idea of tendencies and prospects of digitalization development on Ukrainian TV channels is postulated.

Digitalization has led to the transformation of traditional media and contributed to the emergence of new media that exist only on the Internet. So far, traditional media and Internet media coexist, but digitalization is progressing and already has its achievements. The changes caused by digitalisation are already irreversible.

Practical significance. Research can be useful for current and future journalists, to improve skills. And also for scientists who study the topic of transformation of the Ukrainian media.

Key words: digitalization, television, journalism, transformation, convergence, media, media, progress, internet.


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